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Regardless of the topic, we design and tailor every program to meet the individual needs of each client.  Every program is designed to achieve organizational effectiveness and enhance productivity.  The process begins with a needs assessment which we then use to design a program with goals and lessons tailored to your organizational needs and vision.  We cater to groups of all sizes and can provide learning opportunities for large and small groups as well as individuals.

Attentive Therapist


Effective leadership helps steer your organization toward its Vision of Success. Effective leaders inspire and ignite employee contributions and productivity while ineffective leaders sink morale and the company.  Our Leadership Program is designed to impart effective leadership skills to all who participate.


Program elements include:


• Executive & Leadership Coaching

• How to Establish a Clear Vision

• A Model of Success

• Level 5 Leadership

• Leading with Compassion

• The Chrysalis Model of Transition

• Leadership Energy


Effective communication is a key contributor to success in the workplace.  We communicate to share information, define and understand goals, and resolve or avoid conflict and confusion.  Studies show that good communication can build rapport, enhance relationships, promote self-confidence and have a positive overall effect on the working environment.  Our Communication Program teaches the tenets of good communication and sheds light on many of the common blocks to healthy communication.


Program elements include:


• Communication Basics

• Assertive Communication

• Pitfalls of Projection

• Restraint

• The Resentment Trap

• Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback

Work Colleagues
Waiter Serving Coffee

Team Building

Our Team Building Program allows participants to learn and apply the skills which result in the development of an effective team.  We apply the Appreciative Inquiry 4-D (Discovery, Dream, Design, Destiny) Cycle through which you learn what is already working for your team and how to expand on these elements. 


Program elements include:


• Best Team Check List Analysis

• Organizational Climate Survey

• DISC Personality Style Inventory Workshop

• Team Building Exercises

• Build Your Own Team Workshop

Conflict Management

Resolving and preventing conflict is integral to achieving organizational effectiveness and enhancing productivity.  Unresolved conflict can be costly both in terms of lost revenue and low employee morale.  Experts believe unrecognized and unresolved conflict represents the largest reducible cost in many businesses.  Our program is designed to reduce the monetary as well as the emotional costs of conflict.  These lessons teach one how to not only manage conflict but how to avoid it while creating a harmonious work environment.


Program elements include:


• Conflict Resolution Tool

• Mental Magnification

• Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without         Giving In - adapted from Fisher and Ury

• Team Building Exercises

• Build Your Own Team Workshop

Colleagues Working Together
Conference Call with Sign Language


In today's ever-expanding global marketplace an understanding of diversity and cultural competence is more important than ever.  Greater business success can come through knowing your organization’s attitudes and perceptions about diversity, and then addressing those that may be less than optimal.  Our program raises awareness of behaviors that result from undesired perceptions. The program then works to diminish those negative perceptions and behaviors that may be preventing your organization and its employees from achieving their true organizational potential.


Program elements include:


• A Different Perspective on Diversity

• Cultural Competence Series

• Diversity 101

• Working With Diverse Personality Styles

Employee Wellness

Low morale due to stress and other issues are detrimental to productivity and the overall success of your company. According to a 2004 report from the American Institute of Stress, stress and burnout-related absenteeism, tardiness, low productivity, and job turnover cost American companies over $300 billion annually. Employee wellness programs have long been advocated as a way to decrease healthcare costs, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity.  Our Wellness and Personal Development Program draws on psychological and spiritual prevailing wisdom to provide fun and effective lessons that will take your workplace to a new level of functioning.


Program elements include:


• Time Management

• Office Yoga-Relaxation- Lessons

• De-Stressing for Success

• Visualizing Success

• The Four Agreements at Work

Senior Digital Programmer
A man pointing at his laptop screen

Success Coaching

As a licensed clinical psychologist I help my clients to take a unique approach to uncovering and eliminating blocks that may be hindering achievement and true joy. Through individual coaching, clients can identify and clarify their Vision of Success for their careers and ultimately achieve this Vision. If you are interested in doing what you love and loving what you do, while achieving great results, then this form of coaching is for you. We work together to identify tools and processes to energize you to move forward, achieve results, live your dreams and make a difference. Together we create a framework for your goals and a path for you to travel to achieve those goals.


Program elements include:


• The Hero/Heroine's Journey

• Creative Visualization

• Coaching for Entrepreneurs

• Vision Quest Retreats

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